
Saturday, July 30, 2011

our backyard oasis

hey who wants to come over for a backyard bbq?

bring the kiddies for a jump on the trampoline and a trip down bubba's little tykes slide!

chance can grill up something great on the bbq! just watch your step around the string mapping out our patio outline.

you can all admire my 1 remaining piece of landscaping. this sad little plumeria is hanging on for dear life among all the backyard demo.

we can sit and sip cocktails here. so who's coming over??? anyone? yeah, me neither.

eventually this is the idea we're going for. a lovely paver patio with some bench seating and a fun fire pit for roasting marshmallows. also plenty of green sod for the kiddies to play.

we want something sort of like this too. i can just picture it now....

the hubs is insisting on a pergola as well due to the fact that we have zero shade in our backyard. the plumeria above isn't providing much.

i'm insisting on this precious little sandbox for my bubba. i'll also be investing in a cover so this doesn't become the neighborhood litter box for the plethora of roaming kitties that always show up in our yard. sorry cat people but they creep me out.

as for now though this is what we've got. when your general contractor also has a full time navy job the progress is a bit slow. if and when we ever finish though it's going to be AMAZING!

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Friday, July 29, 2011

InstaFriday week 1

so it's my first week linking up with for InstaFriday! the perfect link up for an instagram addict like myself. basically it's just a little peek into our week via instagram pics and since i instagram everything we've got quite the collection.

bubba snacking on some sand at the beach.

a pitiful self portrait of moi in the dentist chair after about 15 shots of novocaine. i now know what i'd look like with lip collagen! scary!

wes and the ball he stole from some other child at the pool. notice a resemblance between the 2?

poor daisy getting her cardio in pulling tatum on her scooter.

the pooch

my tootsies poolside from the pool on monday which we later found out was infected by MRSA. we're boycotting the pool till it's MRSA free.

friday morning pancakes. BEST PANCAKE RECIPE EVER!!

snickerdoodle muffins that tatum and i made this week. one of my favorite cookies in breakfast form is awesomesauce!

my sweet girl making her big birthday wish.

so there you have it! our week as documented by instagram. can't wait for next week's link up!

xoxo, tobi

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life rearranged

Monday, July 25, 2011

seabee days!

seabee days...or daze? i think we were all feeling pretty dazed after 4 hours in the blazing sun minus sunscreen. yep...i'm that mom that forgot to slather my family in spf before an all day outdoor summertime event. someone call cps. can't win 'em all i guess and we have the lobster look to prove it. so seabee days is the annual base carnival here at lovely naval base ventura county. what's a seabee you ask? good question. in a nutshell...seabees are the navy's own group of construction workers and engineers. yep, my hubby is in the navy but no boats for my guy. confused yet? during WWII the government realized they needed a group that could build anything and carry an M16. hence the motto "we build, we fight." so seabee days is all things fair related and all things seabee related crammed into a tiny little base carnival. where else can you eat a deep fried twinkie while climbing inside a hummvee or 7-ton dump truck? it's a little boy's dream come true...little girl's too.

tatum and her ever present sidekick carmen.

my little guy at the wheel with our nephew roman, and two fruitcakes they picked up on the side of the road.

i'm a coke girl personally but roman was looking oh so cute in his pepsi shirt.

cute seabee girls

my guys

wes was fascinated with the working horn on this old WWII was every other child at the carnival.

instagram takes the best carnival pics. i'm slightly obsessed with instagram at the moment. i just love how it makes photos look old timey (is that a word?) and grainy. so at the peak of digital photo technology i'm taking crappy quality photos on my iphone and making them even crappier through instagram. makes perfect sense. (on a side note last week wes broke my already crappy 6 year old camera so sadly all the pics for this post are iphone snaps)

chance and his sisters nicky and char and char's hubby ray. they all sweetly made the drive up from anaheim and san diego to go to seabee days with us. we had the best time and it made me realize how little we see of our family and how fun it is when we can all hang out.

hawaii shave ice in cali is NOT shave ice at all. after 3 years in hawaii chance and i have very strong feelings on shave ice. it cannot be duplicated...sad but true.

this is what you get when you have a married couple pose for a photo mid argument. the wife turns on the cheesy grin and the husband stands there looking ticked. i'll spare you the details of the argument...but it was involving how much money was being spent to win a goldfish. i'll let you fill in the blanks.

sleepy boy

i swear all this kid needs is his "blankie" and "new nee" aka pacifier and he naps like a champ anywhere!

auntie char and tatum

luckily the hubs and i had managed to make-up in time to snap this family pic in front of the new seabee museum that just opened this past weekend. super cool and really interesting. i can't wait till our kiddos are old enough to fully grasp chance's job and all he's accomplished while serving our country for almost 14 years.

all in all a super seabee day but mama definitely needed this lovely concoction at the end of the festivities. hoorah margaritas!

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

a letter to my sweet girl on her birthday

tatum chase

i love looking at your sweet baby pictures. it feels like just yesterday.

i love remembering what a wonderful baby you were.

i love how brave you are when daddy goes far away for deployments. you help mama more than you will ever know.

i love your beautiful hair. it reminds me of my hair when i was a little girl.

you are beautiful inside and out.

i love that you were our only baby for such a long time. it gave us lots of time to love and cherish just you.

i love how much you trust daddy.

i'm so proud of your academic achievements. you are so smart.

i love how loving and protective you are of your little brother.

i love what an amazing big sister you are. bubba is so lucky to have you.

i love that you're a mama's girl and a daddy's girl.

i love that you share my love of baking...or eating? same thing i guess.

i love your zany sense of humor. you make me laugh so often.

i love how much daddy loves you.

i can't believe you're 8.

my sweet baby tatum. when i was a little girl i always knew i wanted to have a little girl and name her tatum. you have exceeded my wildest dreams with your loving sensitivity and kind heart. i am so proud to be your mommy. on the day that you were born and every birthday you've celebrated since it's like my little girl dream coming true right before my eyes. i love you tatum.

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