so it's my first week linking up with for InstaFriday! the perfect link up for an instagram addict like myself. basically it's just a little peek into our week via instagram pics and since i instagram everything we've got quite the collection.
bubba snacking on some sand at the beach.
a pitiful self portrait of moi in the dentist chair after about 15 shots of novocaine. i now know what i'd look like with lip collagen! scary!
wes and the ball he stole from some other child at the pool. notice a resemblance between the 2?
my tootsies poolside from the pool on monday which we later found out was infected by MRSA. we're boycotting the pool till it's MRSA free.
friday morning pancakes. BEST PANCAKE RECIPE EVER!!
snickerdoodle muffins that tatum and i made this week. one of my favorite cookies in breakfast form is awesomesauce!
my sweet girl making her big birthday wish.
so there you have it! our week as documented by instagram. can't wait for next week's link up!
xoxo, tobi

I've been noticing this instagram everywhere but I am'll have to guide me!
You are the cutest sister ever. I love visiting your blog...
why thank you sister :)
yay! larisa i figured out my comment posting issues! you'll be an instagram addict before you know it lady ;)
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