when chance and tatum and i were stationed in pearl harbor i had the wonderful experience of meeting and becoming friends with the world's sweetest, most thoughtful person. her name is larisa and she's all the things you'd ever want in a friend. hilarious, wickedly sarcastic (in a good way) plans amazing parties, reads as fanatically as myself, total foodie, worships hello kitty, twilight and starbucks and just the most all around fun person! is she not the cutest???
larisa is married to the sweetest guy named isom and together they created the future heart breaker, gabe.
cutest couple in the world.
told you. future heart breaker.
larisa and i met through a local moms group in hawaii. i consider larisa family. something about raising babies at the same time in paradise makes for fast and easy friendships. sadly with navy life there's always the time when transfer orders come and you're saying good bye to the people that have become part of your life. i think for military families in particular the friends that you meet along the way become surrogate family members. they fill the void of being so far away from your real family. larisa and her family made our three years in hawaii very special. my child still refers to larisa as "auntie risa"...lol. even after leaving hawaii almost 5 years ago she's one of the people i've maintained a relationship with through facebook, email, texts and sometimes even words with friends...hahaha. the reason for that is that being friends with larisa is effortless. she makes staying in contact an easy thing. when life gets crazy and i'm behind in emails and phone calls i know i can shoot larisa a text or a facebook message and it's all good!
larisa and i met through a local moms group in hawaii. i consider larisa family. something about raising babies at the same time in paradise makes for fast and easy friendships. sadly with navy life there's always the time when transfer orders come and you're saying good bye to the people that have become part of your life. i think for military families in particular the friends that you meet along the way become surrogate family members. they fill the void of being so far away from your real family. larisa and her family made our three years in hawaii very special. my child still refers to larisa as "auntie risa"...lol. even after leaving hawaii almost 5 years ago she's one of the people i've maintained a relationship with through facebook, email, texts and sometimes even words with friends...hahaha. the reason for that is that being friends with larisa is effortless. she makes staying in contact an easy thing. when life gets crazy and i'm behind in emails and phone calls i know i can shoot larisa a text or a facebook message and it's all good!
i want to say this was my 27th b-day. funny story...the hubs rented a "party van" and chauffeured our tipsy selves around for the evening. to this date still my WORST hangover EVER. not my proudest moment but a very fun memory.
i've nominated them for "cutest family ever!"
so the reason for the larisa lovefest is that Sunday night she welcomed to the world her sweet new little bundle of baby boy. baby zachary was born at 11:12 pm hawaii island time ;) welcomed by his wonderful mama and daddy and proud big brother gabe. i am beyond excited for their family and so overcome with happiness for my sweet friend! chance has hidden my credit card for fear i'd max it out hopping a plane to hawaii to go meet this sweet little man. for now pics will have to be enough but i'm dying to get my hands on this little sweet pea! baby zach is going to be the most loved little boy with the most amazing parents (when your nursery theme is rock n roll you hit the jackpot for parents!) and the coolest big brother! nothing gives your day to day life more perspective then the arrival of a new baby for someone you care about. i think i've felt connected to larisa's pregnancy because we both spaced our kiddos pretty far apart for today's standards. she's such an amazing hands on fun mom to gabe so i know without a doubt baby z is in for a lifetime of love and larisa-ness ;)

zachary benjamin...awww
congrats to the majors fam on their newest addition and welcome to the world sweet baby zachary!!!!
xoxo, tobi
AWWWW! What a cutie!!! Congrats to them!
LOVE. Sweetest blog post ever. Miss you guys. Wish we could share this in person.
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